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Sunday, 27 October 2013

Amazing Facebook Trick


Hey Friends, We all know Facebook didn't have a direct facility to track your profile visitor like orkut. Some Facebook application claim to find out that for you but not so trustable.
I will tell you a genuine way to find it out. Its work 100%.
Step 1) Go to your Facebook Profile Page.
Step 2) Now Press Ctrl + U from your keyboard for see source code of your profile page.
Step 3) Now press Ctrl + F from your keyboard to open search box.
Step 4) Now search this code       {"list":
Step 5) You find some Facebook Profile Ids
Note: The id on 1st is one who visit your profile most!!! :) 

Step 8) Now if your want to findout, Open a new tab Enter below link : Profile Id
For Example :
 Don't Forget to share your feedback when you smile seeing the result

Thursday, 24 October 2013

A simple Backdor- Hacking For Beginer


ProRat is a Microsoft Windows based backdoor trojan horse, more commonly known as a RAT (Remote Administration Tool).
Step 1: Download free software called PRO RAT.
Launch pro rat. Pro rat has a lot options as keylogger, screen shot, file manager, pc shutdown.
Step 2: You should create ProRat Server and send it to the target pc. To create server click on the bottom Create.

Step 3: Enter your IP address, if you don't know your IP address click on red arrow. Also add your email address that will be used to send email notification.

Step 4: Next go to general settings, 5110 is the port that you will connect to the target PC, you can change server password. You can give a fake error message, when the target launches your remote file, error message will be shown. You can type the error message whatever you want. You can use the option to bind with the file. You can bind server with any file. Under server extension I recommend to use EXE (has icon support ) or SCR (has icon support). Under server icon select any icon that you want that your server look out.

Step 5: Click on Create Server. Now you need to send server file to the target pc. There are many ways how you can do it. You can create server file that looks as image and email it to your friends . The most effective way by my opinion is to bind server file to the movie file and upload it to the torrent or any file hosting site.

Step 6: After the target clicks on your server file, you'll be able to connect to the target PC. In main window of pro rat you'll see IP field. Type target PC IP Address. In the port field type 5110 and click Connect.

You’ll see the File Manager of hacked pc. You can download any file from the hacked PC

Download Here : ProRAT 2.0